FSMA 204 Tools and Resources

For a new era of smarter food safety and traceability


FSMA Rule 204 Released: Are You Prepared? 

The FDA has now finalized the FSMA 204 Rule which mandates additional traceability record-keeping requirements for certain foods. Don Durm of PLM TrustLink discusses who must comply with this rule, by when, and what's the easiest way to produce the required documentation given the aggressive timeline.

Download the FDA's FSMA 204 Rule Food Traceability List

Click here to see PLM TrustLink FSMA 204 Rule Flyer

FSMA 204 Solutions

Food distributors face increased competition with age-old operational challenges such as inaccurate inventory, shrinkage, incomplete deliveries, delivery rejections, quality discounts, and even labor. On top of those daily challenges, new FDA FSMA 204 Rules will soon impact businesses with additional burdens to capture KDE’s and CTE’s, retain the data for 2 years, and produce documentation within 24 hours of request. This workshop unveiled how a proven technology can turn a food safety regulatory compliance burden to an operational success in distribution businesses by saving time and money, and bringing operations efficiencies.

Annual Foodborne Illness Statistics*fda.gov

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011.  The FSMA vests Federal Department of Agriculture ("FDA")law enforcement authority in addition it its regulatory authority to achieve higher rates of compliance with prevention- and risk-based food safety standards.


The Law focuses on these 6 major mandates:

  • Registration
  • Hazard Analysis & Preventative Controls
  • Verification
  • Inspection & Frequency
  • Record Keeping Requirements
  • Penalties

Food Safety Compliance

FSMA-logoThe Food Safety Modernization Act supplements existing food safety laws in order to reduce risks to the U.S. food supply. FSMA is a comprehensive top-to-bottom overhaul of the United States food safety regulatory framework and touches every segment of the produce business supply chain from farm-to-fork. FSMA has resulted in major regulations proposed by the FDA affecting how produce is grown, packed, processed, shipped and imported into the U.S. 

PLM TrustLink's team consists of FSMA experts who understand the regulations and can offer tools to help our compliance with the new regulations:

  • Food Safety Modernization Act compliance training
  • ColdLink Temperature documentation/ monitoring Electronic data retention

If the FDA knocked on your door asking for documentation on your compliance, can you produce it in a timely manner? Check out our compliance check list to see if you are compliant and find out how PLM TrustLink™ can help. 

Are you compliant?  FSMA 204 Rule Food Traceability List      

The content set forth herein is not legal advice.  You are advised to seek appropriate legal advice to determine whether the FSMA is applicable to your company and whether the training offered by PLM TrustLink® will facilitate your company’s compliance with the FSMA in the event the FSMA is applicable to your company.